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Interview with Young D:



1) Tell us a bit about yourself; where you're from, when did you start rapping and how'd you become part of Darkroom Familia?
Yo wass up man dis is YOUNG D  born and raised in Northern Cali in STOCKTON 209 a place I call my CITY OF SIN. I starting rappin wen I was about 15. I always liked rap music, but really got into puttin' rhymes and words together  around 16. That's when I started to hear the name and music of DARKROOM FAMILA. Once I started  listening to them and saw that they  were local and from the 209 and 510, I was like "Shit, they're so close to me there's no reason why I can't be heard, right?" So from dat point I started doing shit for reals, started recording shit with some homies then after a while I decided to buy a 4-track and starting recording for myself. I've always been a Darkroom fan just like any one else and so when I saw that they were doing an autograph signing in Manteca, 'bout 10 mins away, I knew that was my 1 chance to be heard, dat was my opportunity. Everything went all good. From there it led to a feature to another feature to a solo track and the rest  is history.
2) Describe your style/sound.
I don't  now how I would describe my style. I  can't say I label myself a certain way because to me i just hear the beat and I take it from there... To me it's just life.
3) What influenced/inspired you to start rapping?
Like I said I always liked rap music but  DARKROOM FAMILA was always my motivation and inspiration to rap and be heard. They lived like me and I lived like them.
4) Darkroom Familia has released an unbelievable amount of albums over the years and have been making music for so long. What inspires Darkroom Familia to keep making music?
Well  I can't speak for the group but I'm sure they would agree wit me  dat it has to be the fans. The fans have always showed DRF love locally and nationally and worldwide. 
5) What is your all-time favorite Darkroom album?
Thats a tough one. There are so many albums, it's hard to choose  between them. I love them all. I must admit even though I'm in Darkroom, I'm still a  big fan, believe it or not.
6) What is your opinion of rap/hip-hop currently?
The game to me is still the same. People saying what they want, to be heard, people getting their voice out... But the styles are always changing. But as far as business-wise and sales it seems everybody's burning and downloading illegally and that hurts the independent artists like us.
7) What artists, aside from Darkroom Familia, do you listen to?
Honestly if it ain't us I'm not bumpin' it... I'll just listen to whatever's on the radio.
8) How do you feel about fans outside of the U.S. listening to Darkroom?
I think it's  great. It's a great feeling to be heard and loved around the world. What artist wouldn't want to be heard worldwide?
9) What are your thoughts on major labels still not recognizing independent rap from the Bay/Northern Cali?
It doesn't really bother me dat much cuz to them (I feel) it's just about big money... I mean, the money is great, but  for me it's about being heard and telling people my story.
10) How do you feel about the Bay Area/Central Valley/Northern Cali rap scene?
We've came a long way from just a small handful  to artists coming out of damn near every city. Before  it was hard to hear from a local artist. Now they're every where.
11) Any upcoming projects?
Well right now I'm working on my second solo project witch is called "NORTHERN CALI LIFESTYLE." The official release date is 7-22-2010. And K.I.D. is also working on a solo project  for future release.